Our Previous Show was Wednesday May 3rd, 2023!

A new wave dance-punk, avant-funk, psychedelic and indie rock band from Syracuse, New York.


Hi I’m Brian. I’m an owner of a handful of national and international businesses and I spend most of my time these days fundraising for non profits. I’ve always made charity a big part of my life since my teenage years.

The Drummer of Larz, Brandon, has been one of my best friends since 7th grade. I’ve been dragging him along to volunteer at charity events for years. When he asked me to be the business manager of his band, I said bro I’d love to help you but unfortunately I’ve got 15 million other things on my plate.

But then I slept on it and had an inspired thought. I called the band back up and said, look boys if you’ll play for some of my fundraisers I think I can make something work. They looked at me and said, bro we can't play for free, we gotta pay the sound guy. I laughed, I said alright boys you just focus on playing great music, and I'll take care of the rest. And the rest is history!

If you want an extremely talented band that have been honing their craft for decades backed by an elite level marketing consulting team that spends most of their days focusing on non-profits, we’d love to see how we can help make your next event truly something spectacular.

We’re always happy to take on corporate gigs and private events as well, it gives us more spending power to put towards the causes that matter to us to help humanity as a whole. Just reach out, we'd love to hear what you have in mind and how we can help!


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We'll also keep you updated with our upcomming events, special vip only contests and exclusive giveaways, and when we produce new music, you'll get early access to that as well!
